Life Soundtrack
Is it just me or do people walk around with a daily soundtrack?
I love music but I know a lot of people who do, it seems to be a universal love, though people definitely appreciate music on different levels.
I pretty much always have a daily soundtrack playing in my head or on my phone or in the car or on a walk, it’s just on play throughout the day. It was always kind of a subconscious type of thing that I some times paid attention to, but it’s just recently become much more deliberate. I have started to really pay attention to my daily soundtrack, use it, manipulate it and it’s become even more enjoyable somehow.
I use music to wallow in self pity or to brighten my mood. I use music as an outlet when bursting with joy or feeling so full of love that it’s in danger of overflowing or consuming me. I’ve used it to soothe a broken heart, to fuel anger, to ease hunger or temptation, to shower affection and to keep life in balance.
Sometimes I’ll go on week/month long binges and just listen to one album or band over and over. Recently I had a three day White Album binge. Then it was David Bowie, followed by Tom Petty and yesterday Coldplay. Sometimes it’s a mixture of artists or specific playlists that I often return to, or I’ll start out with a Billy Joel day and it’ll morph into Paul Simon somehow.
Is our psyche determining and demanding these musical shifts? I don’t know, but music enhances everything. It enhances a walk on the beach, a ride on your bike, driving in your car, working on the computer, your memory, a movie, even writing this blog! It’s a life enhancer!
The last few days my soundtrack has had a melancholy hue. The passing of Tom Petty and the tragedy at the music festival in Las Vegas have colored my musical soundtrack a deep blue. Today I will try and change the color, to something with a hue of… hmmm, I don’t know, HOPE I suppose. Music will bring me back to center and balance me and ground me in the present moment.
Wishing you all well on your own musical journey with your life soundtrack.
Peace and Love